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NUADU supports our frontliners!

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Learning through play

NUADU offers thousands of interactive games, exercises, and tasks in accordance with the current core curriculum.

Immediate Results

In NUADU, you immediately receive information if the task has been carried out correctly. You can easily see and follow your learning progress.

Knowledge base

NUADU is a rich knowledge base for every subject available in the selected class, which supports tasks and problem solving.

Mobile application

You can solve tasks not only on your computer but also on your phone or tablet. Thanks to automatic synchronization, you can continue where you left off.


How long can I use NUADU?

By purchasing access to any resource, you have access to it for 12 months. During this time, you can use NUADU on any device without restrictions.

I already have a school account on NUADU. Can I still enroll for this service?

In that case, you need to set up an individual NUADU account. In it, you decide which items you want to deal with at a given moment and how often you want to work

Can I return the purchased item?

You have the full right of return for 14 days from the date of purchase if you have not started to solve the tasks. We need 14 days to process your return.

Is there a teacher here?

No. You won’t be able to contact a teacher as this service is designed for independent study. Instead, you have access to a knowledge base of every subject available in the selected class, which is a source of information for solving problems.

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After creating an account in NUADU, visit our shop and pay for the selected items with PayPal.